During all yoga classes we combine postures and breathing exercises with meditation and relaxation. Each lesson is different, but the inspiring interpretation always has common ground. Yoga makes your body and mind flexible, open, fit, vital and strong.
The class always ends with a meditation.
Meditation helps the mind to calm down and positive qualities to blossom. A good meditation brings you back to your true, authentic self.
The yoga classes at Kimaro are suitable for both beginners and advanced students, for all ages, male and female.
If necessary, Marleen gives options for the different levels or adjusts a posture, so that you can always participate or just an extra challenge is offered.
The yoga classes are held in the specially equipped yoga tent, or on a beautiful spot in the garden under an old oak tree, with a view over the fields.
Hatha yoga class 75 minutes € 15 pp
Tuesday morning
9.00 – 10.15 (Dutch & English)
Yin yoga class 75 minutes € 15 pp
Wednesday evening
19.30 – 20.45 (Dutch & English)
Some practical tips:
- Wear comfortable clothing
- Bring a pair of warm socks and a sweater for the final relaxation.
- Preferably do not drink coffee and do not eat anything heavy just before class